October 8, 2018


Thirty films representing 21 countries made the cut to become the OFFICIAL SELECTION of the 13th Edition of the Belize International Film Festival according to Festival Founder & Director, Suzette Zayden.  The films were named during the Media Launch kicking off promotional activities for the 2018 Belize International Film Festival (BelizeIFF) held at the University of Belize’s Jaguar Auditorium in Belmopan on Thursday, Oct. 4th. (Please see entire list below.)

All 30 films plus the OPENING NIGHT FILMS (a Short & a Feature which will be announced closer to the Opening of BelizeIFF scheduled for Nov. 8th – 11th in Belize City) will compete for the Best Film award in their respective categories.

  1. The Human Condition: films that focus on the characteristics, events, situations that compose the essentials of human existence; eg. growth, aspirations, conflicts, mortality.
  2. Collective Memories: films about people, places and events that have collectively shaped the history of the Caribbean, Central America and Mexico into what it is today.
  3. Shorts: interesting films on any subject
  4. Music Videos: films directed by Belizean nationals for Belizean music artists and filmed on location in Belize
  5. Green Globe: films planet that bring awareness or suggest solutions to environmental issues facing our planet and in particular Belize.

The names of the final fifteen MUSIC VIDEOs will be announced later this week followed by a formal introduction to our new environmental category called GREEN GLOBE, a new partnership initiative with Belize’s energetic environmental community. 

In this, its inaugural year, GREEN GLOBE will be led by the World Wildlife Fund and its environmental partners and their work with Belize’s Barrier Reef and World Heritage Sites supported by the Belize Marine Fund through MARFUND. The films chosen for this category will not be competitive but educational in nature and selected to specifically support the work of ongoing environmental campaigns here in Belize.

The 2018 Belize International Film Festival is produced by the National Institute of Culture through the Film and Media Arts Unit of the Institute of Creative Arts with the generous support of sponsors such as the Belize Bank, Atlantic Bank, DIGI Belize, Radisson Fort George Hotel & Marina, Best Western Plus Belize Biltmore Plaza, G.A. Roe & Sons, Channel 5 Belize, Simon Quan Ltd., Travellers Liquors,  Ka’ana Resort, Big Creek Group, World Wildlife Fund and the Belize Marine Fund along with partners such as the Belize Film Commission, the Belize Audiovisual Industry Association and the University of Belize.



  1. AMALIA THE SECRETARY (Colombia, 2018) Dir. Andres Burgos
  2. BJARNE HATES THE CAMERA/ BJARNE VIL IKKE PA FILM (Norway/Poland, 2018) Dir: Weronika Nitsch
  3. BURKINA RISING / BURKINABE RISING (Burkina Faso, 2018) Dir. Iara Lee
  4. JEFFREY (Dominican Republic, 2016) Dir. Yanillys Perez
  5. MOVING PARTS (USA, Trinidad & Tobago, 2017) Dir. Emilie Upczak
  6. THE WOMEN OF WANGKI / LAS MUJERES DE WANGKI (Nicaragua, 2017) Dir. Rossana Lacayo
  7. THE OLDIES / LOS VIEJOS (Cuba, Venezuela, UK, 2018) Dir. Rosana Matecki
  8. TORCH (USA, 2017) Dir. Christopher Coppola


  1. FREEDIM (Belize, Jamaica, Japan, USA, Ethiopia, 2017) Dir. Hiroki Sugino
  2. GUERREO (Mexico, 2017) Dir. Ludovic Bonleux
  3. MAISANTA (VENEZUELA, 2016) Dir. Miguel Delgado
  4. RUBEN BLADES IS NOT MY NAME / YO NO ME LLAMO RUBEN BLADES (Panama, Argentina, Colombia, 2018) Dir. Abner Benaim


  1. ASCENSION / ASCENSION (Mexico, 2016) Dir. Samantha Pineda Sierra & Davy Giorgo
  2. BABA’S WEDDING / LA BODA DE BABA (Mexico, 2016) Dir. Lucia Carreras
  3. CHEERS TO THE NEWLYWEDS / QUE VIVAN LOS NOVIOS (Mexico, 2017) Dir: Monserrat Larqué
  4. ELENA AND THE SHADOWS / ELENA Y LAS SOMBRAS (Mexico, 2016) Dir. Cesar Cepeda
  5. EXTRA PLANTAIN (Jamaica, 2018) Dir: Rajeev Pollard
  6. FAUCET / EL GRIFO (Mexico, 2017) Dir. Dan Chavez
  7. GARDEN OF DELIGHT / EL JARDIN DE LAS DELICIAS (Mexico, 2016) Dir. Alejandro Male Garcia Caballero
  8. KICKLIFE (Mexico, 2016) Dir: Christian Cornejo
  9. NO GOODBYE / SIN AYO (Curacao, 2017) Dir. Elizabeth Francisco
  10. PARADISO (Aruba, 2018) Dir. Rebecca Roos
  11. PIGS (Mexico, 2016) Dir.  Diego Catano Elizondo
  12. STAIRS TO BLACK SCREEN / LES ESCALES DE L’OUBLI (Togo, 2016) Dir. Jean-Luc Miheaye
  13. THE GOOD MAN / EL HOMBRE BUENO (Mexico, 2016) Dir: Jose Luis
  14. THE INKSECT / LA SECTA DE INSECTOS (Mexico, 2016) Dir: Pablo Calvillo
  15. THE PIGEON KEEPER / El PALOMERO (Cuba, 2018) Dir: Hannah Smith-Yen, Miranda M. García, Miri de Villers, Olivia McAuliffe
  16. THE STARS DIE TOO / LAS ESTRELLAS TAMBIEN MUEREN (Mexico, 2018) Dir. Adrian M. Ramirez
  17. WHATS YOUR NUMBER (USA, 2017) Dir. Sigal Erez

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