Dir. Marialejandra Martin
(Venezuela, 2022) 13min 39 Sec / Drama / Spanish-Italian w/ English Subtitles / Rated: PG (Belize Premiere)
Gioia returns home for her grandfather’s funeral, having fled when she realized she would never be part of the family business, which had been run by him until then. But now that her grandfather is dead, she makes the women of the family understand that they must unite and take the spaces that belong to them. Together they will take control of the family business, where these women now have their place.
With 40 years of experience in the audiovisual field, she began as an actress in film under the direction of Iván Feo. In 1994 she began her production career with work that ran in Caracas and Lima. She graduated from the Taller del Actor, GA80, ENC and Lee Strasberg NY. Her first short film represented Venezuela at FIACINE Mujeres en Corto; the second was shot with funds obtained through a fundraising campaign. Her script ZUASS SE FUE LA LUZ received the Development of a Feature Film Project in the CNAC 2023 call.